1. UNEP gave us an endorsement letter that UNEP supports completely Rainmaker Project with working, advice , helping financially and technically.
2. UNEP offered the place to demonstrate in the UNEP compound , a little storage house in Nairobi, and 7 gardeners.
-23/3/07(Fri.): demonstration to school children and teachers in preparation for scattering the following week.
-31/03/07(Sat.): -Scattering of clay balls of that the children had made during the week.(more than 600 clay balls that they counted)
[Athi River]
-Negative Points
The fence has gone, probably is smoke to make charcoal with pillars.
The few big trees left have been cut for the same reason.
-Positive Points
Some of our Acacia trees are now as tall as 150 cm.
-Negative points
Two of the sites where we planted have been destroyed.(one flugged away , the other destroyed by cows and the goats , and other animals.)
-Positive points
The trees we planted grew quite well average 50/60 cm. One of them grew as tall as 250 cm in 6 months.
[Rongo in Nyanza]
1.Workshop and scattering clay balls
-Date: 25-27/3/07
-Around 10 people of Nyanza and 4 staffs of Rainmaker Kenya made clay balls and scattering include the following seeds:
Makuhamia Lutea 3Kg
Cassia Siamia 3Kg
Cassia Spectanilis 2Kg
Sesbania Sesban 2K
Tamarindus Indica 2Kg
Croton Megalocaspus 2Kg
Leucalna Leucocephala 2Kg
Cupressus Lushanica 2Kg
Spathodea Campanulete 2Kg
Casavina Equisetizolia 2Kg 10kinds 22Kg
2. After the trial
-Creation of a new Rainmaker Center in the tree nursery of M. Barnard.
-The center will operate with “ The Rehabilitation Group”: a group of 30 women devoted to plant trees.
-Nyanza used to be a very green province where too many trees were cut.Some places need desperately to be reforested.